1008. Business Plan: Developing Your Target Market - CTE MARKETING
The “Your Target Market” assignment objective is to help the student define a target market for a business product or service. Many CTSO competitive events have a written project that requires the students to. Projects like the DECA Innovation Plan, Start-up Business Plan, Independent Business Plan, Franchise Business Plan, and International Business Plan all must identify the “customer segment/target market” for their business.
The question the students must answer is “What is an “target market” in reference to a business customer or consumer?”
This activity is designed to span a 90-minute period inclusive of research, collaboration, development, and observation.
- Instructional Handout
- Target Market Graphic Organizer
- Grading Sheet
130.382. Advertising
(2) The student knows the importance of marketing as well as the functions of marketing. The student is expected to:
- (C) identify the importance of target markets.
130.383. Fashion Marketing
(2) The student knows the importance and functions of marketing. The student is expected to:
- (B) describe advantages and disadvantages of market segmentation and mass marketing.
130.386. Sports and Entertainment Marketing
(3) The student knows the importance of marketing as well as the functions of marketing. The student is expected to:
- (D) express the importance of target markets.
- (E) describe advantages and disadvantages of market segmentation and mass marketing.
130.387. Practicum in Marketing
(5) The student knows the concepts and strategies used to determine target markets and market identification. The student is expected to:
- (A) explain the importance of target markets.
- (B) compare and contrast advantages and disadvantages of market segmentation and mass marketing.
- (C) distinguish among geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral segmentation.
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Have a wonderfully blessed day,
Jacqueline P. Walker
Marketing EdVenture®